I'm a veteran Language Arts educator co-teaching Humanities at a small public high school magnet employing a wall-to-wall project-based learning model (whew...a mouthful).
This blog's purpose is to:
- share resources, experiences, & bewilderment
- sort ideas, random thoughts, & all the I-wonders of teaching & learning
- maintain paths of inquiry and a reflective stance around the ever-evolving art & craft of teaching
- challenge my own thinking and raise questions
- interact with the amazing network of educators who've unknowingly been my teachers the past couple of decades
- make my teaching practice visible as a resource for public discourse and constructive feedback
Education topics I care most about:
- Project-based learning I know its power and I want to build on that.
- Collaboration; What works, what doesn't, & how tech can enhance and transform the potential for it.
- Ed-tech & Web 2.0 = amplification of curative, creative, & collaborative processes.
- Language Arts & Humanities
- Public ed trends & policy Proudly-progressive
- Pedagogical foundations Social constructivism
- Science of learning Practical applications
- ePortfolios as platforms for self-directed learning
Professionally, I...
- have been teaching and mentoring for 15 years
- have a B.A. in Communicative Arts and a M.A. in Secondary Ed.
- am a work-aholic, hence the "EduNut" tag.
Personally, I'm...
- a life-long learner attracted to broadening my own perceptions around humanity's "big ideas"
- an artist who, when affording myself time, dabbles in poetry, short story-writing, videography, clay mosaics, graphic art, cartooning, and songwriting
- a singer with hearty pipes who loves classic rock & funk tune-age, but most of all, lives for riding harmonies
- a member of an international social network of video-makers that creatively collaborate for the sake of fun and DIY entertainment <--has greatly informed my teaching with regard to the nature of creativity and collaboration!

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